Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Formal Elements and Principles of Design, Photography Style

 Elements of Design:



Principles of Design:


Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Slow Your Roll

I just read at interesting article titled "The Art of Slowing Down in a Museum". In this article it talks about how in this day and age we are really quick to just walk by and glance at masterpieces just to check it off a mental list and say that we did it. We don't take the time to really consider what it is we're looking at.

And I'm guilty of this. I was able to go to the Museum of Contemporary Art in Jacksonville, FL about a month ago. We did speed through, I want to blame it on the fact that we only had 45 minutes before the museum closed. But I can't really say for sure that I would've taken thirty minutes to look at one painting in particular if I had the chance. I really enjoyed seeing the pieces by Robert Longo, and Sally Mann. And my roommate and I did have the chance to take selfies with some Picassos.

This article made me realize that if we just slow down and take our time looking at pieces that call our name, our time at the museum would be better spent. I think doing what was mentioned in the article about walking through a wing in thirty minutes and then spending thirty minutes in front of one piece that calls to you will allow for greater appreciation and a deeper connection with the pieces as well as the artist themselves. It's like having a conversation and getting to know someone on a different level and finding out their secrets. It's a nice connection that I plan on finding while I visit different museums in Paris. I think I'll try the methods used in this article first, but I might branch out and find my own way to connect with pieces. I want to have a conversation with the artist, I want to understand their reasoning and methods behind the pieces they created.